Support Kat Em

"Thank you for your support! I LOVE Rally for the Y because it's an easy way to earn donations for our programs. Here are a few of my wh-Y's. Summer is coming! For parents that means two things; kids will be out of school and will be outside more. Living in the Outer and Inner banks of NC is a blessing for outside time, however the numerous bodies of water that we are surrounded by can pose a risk to our children; your donations could help a child stay safe by providing discounted swim lessons. For working parents, sometimes providing a safe and fun place for their child to be while they work can be stressful and hard to come by; your donations can help provide discounted summer camps programs and ease a parent's mind. Your donations could also provide a participant with the ability to attend our Livestrong program which facilitates the recovery process for those who are have or are currently walking through thier cancer journey. This program provides a 6 week membership, fellowship with other survivors, and exercise programming with a certified personal trainer or coach, completely free of charge!"

The challenge is over and pledges are now closed, however you can still support the cause directly. Thank you for your support!