Kelly Scafariello
To all those who have donated and for those who plan to donate...THANK YOU. Your support goes directly to help provide necessary programming that engages our community and provides meaningful opportunities through health, wellness, swim and sport to individuals and families. Again, thank you. I appreciate you. -Kelly Scafariello Executive Director South County YMCA
Kelly Scafariello
# 162 of 4,052
$350.40 Raised

Challenge Totals

Miles 4
Calories 117
Score 0
$350.40 Money Raised

10 Supporters

Expresso $0.10/mi
Tammi Reiss $100.00
Softball for Life $50.00
Don & Jodie Justus $50.00
Sutty $25.00
Jessica Reo $25.00
Kathy Kroupa $25.00
Mooney $25.00
Lori $25.00
Craig Sandlin $25.00
  • February 10, 2022

    4.02 Miles
    117 Calories
    0 Score
    4.02 mi in 24:04