Jennifer Smudin
I love my Y! That's why I'm riding in the Rally. I'm not normally keen on cycling for exercise (too many flashbacks of the 3 years I had to ride my bike to school in the heat and the cold-- hated it!) But taking different rides each week on the Expresso bikes in the climate-controlled Wellness Center of the Y sounds like fun! So I will branch out and try this new workout while raising money for my Y. My goal is to ride 80 miles during the February Rally. I appreciate your support SO much! Your pledge helps keep me motivated and it's for a great cause. Thank You!
Jennifer Smudin
# 3018 of 10,548
$5.01 Raised

Challenge Totals

Miles 10
Calories 290
Score 0
$5.01 Money Raised

2 Supporters

Friends and Admirers of Betsy Anderson $0.40/mi
Expresso $0.10/mi
  • February 4, 2020

    5.01 Miles
    148 Calories
    0 Score
    5.01 mi in 26:13
  • February 1, 2020

    5.02 Miles
    142 Calories
    0 Score
    5.02 mi in 24:59