Expresso Speedway 1.00 mi


Ride Details

Rider: Colin Maxwell
Team: YMCA - Heart of the Valley - Downtown Express (Huntsville, AL)
Date: Monday, February 12, 2018
Time: 18:35
Distance: 5.00 Miles
Laps: 5.0
Calories: 157
Speed (MPH): 16.1 Avg / 19.4 Max
Power (Watts): 117 Avg / 185 Max
Cadence (RPM): 83 Avg / 101 Max
Heartrate (BPM): 128 Avg / 176 Max


1.00 mi in 3:46
1.00 mi in 3:43
1.00 mi in 3:38
1.00 mi in 3:47
1.00 mi in 3:41


5 Completed Laps