Master the discipline of power young grasshopper. Ride Coin Toss (10 min), Dragons Island (10 min), and Animal Adventure (10 Min) in power mode. Score more than 300,000 points to earn your badge and the title of Master. Your best score from each map will count towards your overall score.
Master the discipline of power young grasshopper. Ride Coin Toss (10 min), Dragons Island (10 min), and Animal Adventure (10 Min) in power mode. Score more than 300,000 points to earn your badge and the title of Master. Your best score from each map will count towards your overall score.
Expresso Team Captains are recognized with the official "C" next to their name online. Team Captains have access to a special set of tools to help inspire their Teams where they can can create their own challenges and collaborate directly with the Expresso Head Coach to help shape future of Expresso.
Do you have the right stuff to become a certified Expresso Team Captain?